
Well balanced nutritional meals

Good nutrition is essential during childhood, as it is a time of rapid growth, development and activity. This is also a vital time for healthy tooth development and prevention of decay. General eating habits and patterns are formed in the first few years of life. A nutritious diet, together with good hydration, provides your child with good eating habits for life, healthy skin, a healthy weight, secure emotional well-being, and improved behaviour.

nursery staff

The nursery staff have a key role in introducing young children to a wide variety of foods and establishing a pattern of regular meals and healthy snacks. Eating is about more than food, it is a social event too, and nursery staff join your child’s mealtimes. Staff encourage interaction between the children, good table manners and the development of social skills. Staff are also on hand to support and assist, if needed.

food transition

Your child’s transition to solid foods can be challenging. We will work with you during the weaning period to ensure you are fully leading the next stage of your child’s development with their meals. The arrangements for children’s meals and snacks will, of course, be dependent on your child’s sessions whilst attending the nursery.  The Nursery Manager will discuss this information with you before your child starts at the nursery.

seasonal menus

To give every parent peace of mind, our seasonal menus are nutritionally well balanced. They rotate on a four-week cycle and are prepared by our qualified chefs to ensure we meet all children’s dietary and cultural needs, as well as exploring different tastes at mealtimes.